First lecture and interview in a bathtub- retro week Krakow´s style part II.
I am no expert and not pretending to be, but if someone is asking me to talk about the things I love, I simply cannot say no.
During my short home visit I had 2 opportunities to express my thoughts on retro.
Believe me, both of them, brought as much stress as joy!
But first things first: interview with YoWanna in her bathtub.
Yes, you read correctly: bathtub !

Jovanka is my dearest friend for many years now. She is a super talented, self created person.
Not only she does amazing make ups for individual clients and movies/theaters but she is a professional dancer and choreographer as well!
Some time ago she became single again and that made her question a lot of modern ways of getting into a relationships (dating apps, pick-up lines, being ´exclusive´,etc).
To clear up her head, she decided to create a YouTube channel, where she talks about it all in her most intimate environment- bathtub.
Her idea includes inviting guests to her tub and talk about the subjects that are interesting for her.
This is how I landed in it!

The whole interview is available now on YouTube. It is in Polish but has English subtitles.
Jovanka divided it in 2 parts:
The first one is more pin-up related and has over 6k views now!
We talk here about the fifties, my trip to Las Vegas for Prettie Lanes Company and how to choose a right bra, based on the examples of bras from the best Polish designer and producer: Ewa Michalak.
The second part is more personal. She asked me about my past relationships, getting married and how to stay happy and confident, though I do not look like an ideal model from Vogue ;)
The next day I took part in the III edition of Kogel Mogel Vintage/Retro fair.
I was e-mailing with the organizer- Monika from Lolipopshop, for some months now and promised her, that I will be coming to Krakow in fall, to see with my own eyes, how Polish retro scene is doing!

The III edition was supposed to be more special. With lectures about the retro furniture design, hair workshops with fantastic Rockagirl (we had a one-to-one workshops day before, you can read about it here) and hat/fascinators workshops conducted by Monic Millinery .
When Monika asked me, if I would like to say a few words about the past decades, I said yes instantly!
I invited Klod Retro&PinUp Model to join me and we have created a presentation about the secrets of the 40s and 50s style, that lasted over 2hrs!
My part was covering the 50s and I must say, it was really interesting to get a broader view on the whole subject.

Here talking about the 50s hairstyles

Klod having fun while I am presenting

Proud of ourselves right after the lecture
I really systematized the knowledge I already had and learnt a lot new details, facts, funny anecdotes.
Though the experience of standing in front of people and talking about the subject, you are not an expert in, is quite stressful, overall those 2 hours passed super quick and seeing that people were taking notes, really mad me happy!

40s and 50s style on Polish models ;)
Outfit details:
Bikini: SwimSuitsForAll
Dress: The Pretty Dress Company
Fascinator: Vintage Vollies
Shoes: Deichmann
Belt: Vintage
MakeUp: Jovanka