Pin up room
Cherry Bee

From the beginning of our wedding preparations, we wanted to engage as many friends- artists, as possible.
Weddings are always super expensive, so we decided to do ours on a budget and to know where our money goes :)
Now, after all this time, I can say it was a really good idea!
Not only because we got everything, as we imagined, but we helped the small businesses as well :)
But back to the invitations -Jay made a project of it, and then we started to look for a printing company, that will make it true :)
The project consisted of: pictures of us, vinyl with a love songs (that we picked in a local 2nd hand book/record store) and the wedding timeline that replaced the list of songs :)
The pictures were taken by PinnedUp and on top of having wonderful covers for our invitations, we had the first shoot (and first one ever for Jay) together!
It was very exciting and fun experience !
You can see the movie from this shoot here: Engagement shoot :)
After months of research, we decided that the best project and company is the one, that my childhood friend has, called Wytwornia Wyobrazni, link to there website: Here
And the final result was beyond our expectations <3
So Love records presents: Once in your life married

Everything started with the ring :)
March 2015 was a very stressful month for me. I was preparing myself for a test to reach another level at work.
That means: studying each Saturday and Sunday from 8 a.m. till 6 p.m.
In practice I worked 7 days a week that month ;)
The Spring Equinox was coming and Jay knows, this day is special for me, so he said he will prepare a dinner for us, as I was working so hard the past month.
While going back home, I called him and said that I will do some laundry and then relax a bit.
I heard: No, no, just relax, I will take care of all.
What a sweet man I thought ;)
The dinner he prepared was amazing! I even laughed that it feels like my b-day!
After the dinner Jay went to the garage to take some pictures of his new motorcycle pieces (at least that´s what he told me), I started looking for tickets to Poland.
All of the sudden the doors opened and he was standing there in a suit, with a huge bouquet of roses and fall on his knees asking me to marry him!
The ring has a teardrop shape sapphire with halo of diamonds <3
And this is how it all started... :)
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