Cherry goes to Las Vegas!

I have announced it already on Facebook and Instagram and now it is time, to write down the whole story :)
Since I was a kid, I knew that you have to dream big and reach for your dreams.
No matter how big or small they are, if you believe in yourself and work hard, they will come true!
And now, one of my recent dreams is coming true: I will be a model, during the Fashion Show in Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekender, for noone else than one of the most amazing retro inspired clothing companies- PRETTIE LANES !!!

I have followed The Prettie Lanes for some months already, as her designs are stunning.
Attention to detail, fabrics and patters... On top of that pictures styled a la vintage photos.
You simply cannot pass by without stopping and starring.

Copy rights Franziska Schlupski PRETTIE LANES
I fell in love with those dresses the moment I saw them...

Copy rights Franziska Schlupski PRETTIE LANES
After that I started looking at her other designs and my heart just melted.
Copy rights Franziska Schlupski PRETTIE LANES
I have so much respect and appreciation for work of such talented people and always want to do my best to help them carry on.
When I saw this picture, I knew I had to react!

Copy rights Franziska Schlupski PRETTIE LANES
The description said:
Want to present yourself on the runway at the famous VLV FASHION SHOW 2017,
Las Vegas, USA
in authentic, classy, elegant and limited edition designs?
Be part of a milestone for PRETTIE LANES and its first Runway Show EVER?
On the 23rd September I sent an e-mail with 2 photos and kept my fingers crossed.
The answer came on the 6th October and after few sentences like this:
´Unfortunately, there is only a limited number of ladies that I can offer to join the show and model due to the limited duration of the show.´ I thought, well, I gave it a try...
Till I read further: ´I, unfortunately, have decided that you have to spent your VLV visit- at least one day- with me *laugh*! Because I want to see you in one of my dresses on stage!!! I love your classy beauty face and am thrilled to have you in my team <3 This is going to be awesome!´
How cool is that?! Not only am I going to visit the biggest rockabilly festival in a world but be a PART of it for this incredible brand!
I asked for holidays at work right away and started preparing the whole trip the same day :D
I can feel that 2017 will be, another special year! :)
Here I would like to say a huge thank you to all my friends, family and fans that support me and believe in me!!!
Without you guys, that would not be possible!
Love and kisses,