Idda Van Munster for Miss Candyfloss.

There are certain dresses that you wish you could get before anyone else gets them. Limited edtions, famous cause of their fabrics/way they wrap your body or people that had designed them.
Istnieja sukienki, na ktore polujesz i chce je miec w swojej kolekcji, zanim zostana wyprzedane.
Limitowane edycje, slawne dzieki materialom, z jakich sa uszyte, sposobowi, w jaki otulaja nasze cialo albo dzieki osobom, ktore wspolpracowaly przy ich powstaniu.
In this case it is the last option. The dress was designed by the one and only Idda Van Munster for a Swedish clothing company: Miss Candyfloss (link at the end of the review).
W tym przypadku byla to opcja ostatnia. Sukienka ta byla zaprojektowana we wspolpracy z jednyna i niepowtarzalna: Idda Van Muster dla szweckiej marki: Miss Candyfloss (link na koncu recenzji).
The news spread super quickly, as this dress was not only designed by one of the best Pin Up/Retro models walking on this planet at the moment, but was in a limited stock, available only at the Top Vintage Retro Online Shop.
Wiesci rozeszly sie szybko, bo model ten nie tylko byl zaprojektowany przez jedna z najlepszych modelek Pin-Up/Retro, ale takze dostepny tylko w TopVintage i niewielkiej ilosci.
Buying online is always a gamble, but so far I had only good experiences with those brands.
So, once I saw that the dress in my size is still available, I clicked YES and waited impatiently till it arrived.
Kupowanie online to zawsze loteria. Do tej pory milam duzo szczescia i dobre doswiadczenia z firmami, jakie dostepne sa w TopVintage.
Kiedy zobaczylam, ze sukienka ta jest dostepna w moim rozmiarze, rzucilam sie na nia!
Advised by the Top Vintage website (they always give amazing tips about clothes), I sized up, as the fabric does not have a lot of streach in it, so it was possible, that my 32HH boobies, will not fit in in the normal size I usually order from this brand.
Wskazowka na stronie (TopVintage zawsze daje niesamowicie dokladne wskazowki a propos rozmiarow): jesli masz duzy biust, zamow rozmiar wieksza, bo material sie nie rozciaga. Prawdopodobnym bylo,ze moje 70HH nie zmiesci sie w rozmiar, jaki normalnie nosze od nich.
And the day came! And the dress came! And I was so excited and happy...till I put it on.
I nadszedl ten dzien! W koncu dotarla! Bylam niesamowicie podekscytowana otwierajac paczke, dopoki nie zalozylam jej na siebie...
The rose that you see on the imagine above fall off, the moment I put it on. I had to replace it with something, cause there were small, not nice looking holes after the threads. Good my brooch collection is growing and I found something that suits it.
Rozyczka, ktora widzicie na zdjeciu powyzej, odpadla zaraz po tym jak wyciagnelam sukienke z pudelka! Musialam ja czyms zastapic, poniewaz w materiale powstaly nieladne dziury! Dobrze, ze kolekcja moich broszek rosnie i znalazlam cos, co pasowalo.

And that was just a beginning of dissapointments...
Once I put the dress on I felt like it is waaaay too big in my waist and hips. It fitted my boobs perfectly but that was about it.
To byl dopiero poczatek rozczarowan...
Jak tylko zalozylam ja na siebie, zauwazylam, ze jest duzo za duza w biodrach i talii! W biuscie lezala jak ulal (dziekuje TopVintage!), ale reszta, no sami zobaczcie.

As you can see the part of the dress that supposed to be very tight around your waist is really not what I expected or how it should look.
The same with the whole feel of the dress, which should be classy, sexy, very tight pencil dress.
Jak widzicie, pasek ktory mial bardzo ciasno przylegac w talii, jest niesamowicie luzny. Tak samo z dolem. Sukienka, ktora miala miec piekny, klasyczny i seksowny kroj, niestety wyglada jak worek.

This is how much extra fabric I could give away ;)
Tyle materialu moge oddac komus ;)

Because the dress came just before my trip to Poland and I really wanted to take it with me, I made some very quick and completely unprofessional ;) alterations.
Poniewaz doszla ona zaraz przed moja wycieczka do Polski, a bardzo chcialam ja ze soba zabrac, wprowadzilam na szybko poprawki.
Luckily, there was a spare button attached to the dress, so I just sewed it next to the other one and made the middle part tighter. Then I just grabbed the fabric along the stiches and sewed it in few places as well.
This is the final result (which will still have to be corrected by a professional tailor):
Na szczescie doszyty byl dodatkowy guzik, wiec przyszylam go na pasku, zeby moc faktycznie podkreslic talie.
Nastepnie zlapalam material w kilku miejscach na szwach.
Rezultat ponizej (ciagle musi isc do poprawki krawieckiej):

As you can see the buttons are pushed a little bit on a side, which changes the ´center of gravity´of the whole design but that was the only way to do it fast.
Jak widzicie srodek ciezkosci sukienki przesunal sie w bok, razem z doszytym guzikiem. To byl jedyny sposob, na jaki wpadlam, zeby sukienka choc troche przypominala oryginalny wzor.

Thought this specific model in this colour was sold out, you can still buy the same dress in a bit different colour at the Miss Candyfloss home page.
Chociaz ten model, z tym kolorze, zostal calkowicie wyprzedany, na stronie Miss Candyfloss ciagle mozecie znalezc ten sam model w innym kolorze.
Just to sum up:
-the fabric is very nice
-the design of the dress is unique and chic
-if you boobs are bigger than your ass you can have a problem wearing it without future alterations.
Krotkie podsumowanie:
- material jest bardzo przyjemny,
-model sukienki jest unikatowy i elegancki
-jesli Twoj biust jest wiekszy od pupy, beda potrzebne poprawki krawieckie.
You might ask why I didn´t send it back once I still had a chance?
Mozecie zapytac, dlaczego nie odeslalam jej z powrotem, kiedy jeszcze mialam szanse?
Well, weirdly, once the dress fitted a littel bit better, I fell in love with it.
It makes me feel like Kate Winslet in the Divergent movie ;) Powerful but beautiful and elegant.
Coz, moze to dziwne, ale po szybkich poprawkach, zakochalam sie w tym modelu.
Czuje sie w niej jak Kate Winslet w 'Niezgodnej'. Silna, ale kobieca i piekna.
Would I buy it again? I don´t think so.
Czy kupilabym ja ponownie? Nie.
Below the links/ Ponizej linki:
Miss Candyfloss and their Idda Dress/ Strona Miss Candyfloss: here
Idda Van Munster in her dress/ Idda w sukience swojego projektu: here