Astronauts with style

I found out about the TV series 'The Astronaut Wives Club' browsing Vintage Girl's blog and the costumes caught my eye.
As most of the shows that I follow were on brake, I decided to give it a shot.
'The Astronaut Wives Club' is based on the book by Lily Koppel and tells us a story of 7 real women who were behind the scenes of one of the most important NASA's ventures.
Of course I can elaborate about the style, accuracy of the scenery, beauty of those women but this is not what stole my heart here (I provide you with photos, that cover it all ;)).
The whole story is said from the point of view of women. That was the first moment when I thought to myself, I will like it.
There are so little shows that give women the lead voice. Especially, if it comes to such a masculine field.
And this voice is strong, loud and clear.
Though sometimes it stutters, in the end it turns into a beautiful, meaningful speech of the gender and generation, helping women to define themselves.
During the 10 episodes we see how all the characters evolve in their roles and how each of them handles the struggle of being a wife of an astronaut.
From an 'ordinary housewife' (though I do not think that your life can be ordinary, if your husband works for NASA) they were transformed into role models for all America's wives.
Every gesture, hairdo, way of clothing was widely commented.
They have been compared to the first lady- Jackie Kennedy, with whom all of them met, and I guess they shared more with her than just love for fashion.
I can only imagine how much stress, effort and work it all cost, to be a 'perfect' astronaut wife.
And this is where the real story starts. Were they perfect? Were their marriages perfect? Was it easy for them to turn into, what we call today-celebrities?
There is one answer for all those questions and, surprise, surprise, it is NO.
I must admit I laughed as much as I cried watching it and this is to me a perfect combination of emotions. On top of that, of course, I love the visual aspects as well. All the actresses are very different, which makes the whole message even stronger, but all of them suited perfectly for their roles.
We know the history, so there is no surprise who survives the missions, who doesn’t. But if you want to see what was happening behind the scenes of the launching this TV show is for you.
To see the real astronauts wives and read about the book:
All the pictures are coming from the Official Facebook page of the show: