Benefit Cosmetics review nr.2

I am sure you remember my short video review of Roller Lush Mascara and Gimme Brow gel.
If not, here is the link:
Gimme Brow stayed with me and I use it daily!

But the Roller Lush was a disaster and I don't think I will ever use it again.
As Benefit's products are not the cheapest, visiting Sephora again, I spent some more time at the Benefit's stand and came prepared- no make up at all;)
I went out from the store with 3 new products: Hello Flawless powder, Erase paste and Big Easy.

Looking outside it is hard to believe that it's the end of June, not March and we are starting the Summer, not Spring...
But I am an optimist and count on some warmer days soon!
Having that in mind I wanted to find a lighter creamy-like foundation.
I have never used the BB creams but when I tried Big Easy I was very happy with the result.
It is light and evens the skin colour perfectly!
Another thing that convinced me to buy it it's the SPF 35! Perfect for summer!
So the Big Easy will stay with me for the whole summer !

Another product that I reached for was the Erase Paste.
I have very, very thin skin. You can almost see through it ;) Happens very often that I do not get enough sleep during the week, which ends up with the dark circles underneath my eyes.
I have been looking for a perfect solution that will not give me this 'panda effect'.
Turns out that this paste works perfectly with my skin!

The last product I bought is Hello Flawless powder.
I have not used it yet, as I feel like the weather at the moment is not suitable for powders but I used it in a shop and it seems to be a great product as well.
What I really like is the fact that inside the cute box, underneath the powder, we can find 2 tools to work with it: a brush and small sponge.

I promise to make a short video and few photos before and after to complete this post.