Mother's Day with Signature-Leuven !

Today more photos than words ;) Thanks to Stephan Creutzburg Photography I had a great pleasure the get in contact with the most amazing, retro-inpired shop in Belgium- Signature-leuven (soon more about them!).
Turned out that one of the cities in Belgium- Leuven organizes an extraordinary event to celebrate an International Mother's Day on the 9th May.
One of the main attraction of that day was a Street Fashion show.
Below the pictures of beutiful models in dresses/shoes and accessories from Signature-leuven.
Enjoy <3
Pitures: Stephan Creutzburg and my lovely fiancé ;), MUA: Cathy De Neve.
Preparations :)

Ready, steady, GO!

After party <3

With the papparazzi: Stephan and the shop owner: Ilke

With the brand owner and designer of Red Apple