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Things you don't know about me- "New girl"


Polish version: here

I discovered this show few months ago. I was sick at home, too tired to read, looking for something that will cheer me up.

My boyfriend loves watching TV, I turn it only only when I am very desperate and that was the moment when I stumble upon Zooey Deschanel's role as Jess.

I watched one episode from the 2nd season and I noticed that it made me laugh, so I reached for more.


Since then I am a huge fan of the "New girl". Not only because it's a nice balance between funny and romantic or it reminds me of "Friends" a little bit.

I adore the way the main character dresses!

Yes, as simple as that ;)

Funny enough my boyfriend started watching it with me, and now he tells me stuff like: "Yeah, those glasses suit you. They are totally 'New girl' style and that suits you"!

So I bought 'New girl' glasses, not because of the TV show but because we share one feature with Zooey- huge eyes, so there is more glass and product around it needed, to make us see good!


Anyways, like I mentioned, I adore the way she dresses and this is how I found ModCloth. They offer clothes that are inspired by retro but with a funky, modern touch that doesn't make you look overdressed or too serious.

You can shop by colour, by the ocassions or decades. Funky stuff!

Another discovery because of "Jess" is a website that does matching professionaly. What do they match? Clothes that have been worn on TV with offers available online. They are called, surprise, surpries: WornOnTv.

You can even select the episode, in which your favourite character dresses as you like the most and check where you can buy similar or exact clothes!

I find it amazing! It is even more amazing that it is somebodies job to watch the TV shows and look up clothes that the crew is wearing!

Sounds like a dream job? Hell yeah!


Enjoy guys and I hope you will find some cool stuff on both websites and spend nice time watching "New girl" ;)

And at the end, Jess' fav sentence ;)

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