RockALady 2014
I got to know about the RockALady because of the flyer found at the other event.
I thought to myself: I have to check it out! I was sure that if the party like that is organized by Rockin Ladies, it must be fantastic.
And I am happy to say: I was right!
It was an October Sunday’s afternoon. The whole party started at 1 p.m.
This is quite unique and handy, especially if you are a party-Saturday animal.
The weather was not very warm but the atmosphere was hot as an running engine! RockALady is exactly as RockALadies advertise on their website. It brings you the full fun-pack, vintage inspired Sunday afternoon full of music, dance, old cars and motorcycles and plenty of stands.
When I came back home from Haaltert, I got this crazy idea to connect with those amazing ladies and get to know them a little bit better.
That is how this interview was created! Now I give my voice to RockALadies.
Cherry Bee: Thank you so much for getting in touch with me!
It is easy for me, as I was present during your last Rockalady event, but our Polish readers will probably meet you for the first time or have already checked your website and are interested to find out more. On your website I saw that you are a non-profit organization run by four beautiful Rockaladies. Could you please tell me how did you meet?
Rockaladies: Most of us know each other for a very long time… since our childhood and Lady L, we met during partying, the good rock ‘n roll times.
ChB: What is the idea behind Rockalady and how did you come up with it?
RL:5 years ago, Lady Mi had an idea to organize a festival, a rockabilly party.
She just discovered the fantastic energy that rockabilly and fifties music bring.
The ladies were excited about the idea and started creating the real event out of it.
We wanted to share this energy, the good vibes with lots of people and try to make these sounds known better. So the idea behind is: sharing good feelings!
ChB: Could you tell me a little bit about the first Rockalady day that you have organized? Was it as you expected?
RL:It started four years ago, the first Rock A Lady…
We were sooo excited, not knowing what to expect.. maybe around 200 visitors?
That Sunday, the sun was ours, the best day of October, really warm.
After a couple of hours, the place was too small, we run out of beer, the food was sold out… People where really understanding, local pubs helped us with extra barrels the bands gave their best sounds and the place turned into a big dance place!
That was a good start and we decided to keep organizing fifties rockin’ days!
ChB: Could you tell us a little bit about what can we expect at the Rockalady?
RL:Rock A Lady is a fifties Rockin’ Sunday family event.
It’s a free festival where people can enjoy some great bands, as well as free jive lessons.
Ladies can have a fifties make-over and men can have a traditional shaving.
For the little ones we have a jumping air castle and facepainting for children.
There are also some vintage stalls outside with lots of goodies.
For those who are hungry we have some Belgian fries.
t’s very important that everyone can enjoy and have fun to the rockabilly music, so free entrance, low prices are important. So there is no hesitation and people can discover new things and have a lovely afternoon with kids and family. Meet old and new friends!
There’s the story about Rock A Lady, people meet friends they haven’t seen in a long time, people from childhood, forgotten and lost ones… it’s nice we can be part of it!
ChB: Is the Rockalady the only event that we can meet you at?
RL:At the beginning of Spring we are organising a jam session, our Spring Teaser. Musicians can join the stage and jam along with the others.
It’s the start of the new year and from then onwards we’re working on our next Rock A Lady.
ChB: I understand that behind this huge event, stands work of more than 4 people. Do you have a lot of volunteers to help you?
RL:Yes we do have volunteers. Without all these helping hands we would be lost! They’re really important to our events, lots of work is done by those people.
It’s nice to see, people just volunteer because they love the music, event, our maybe us .
People find us and ask if they might help. It’s really nice working with them.
During the year we try to keep in touch via Facebook or we see each other at the other events.
We’re feeling so blessed with all the help from volunteers but also from fund raisers. People who help with our financial needs as well as material needs. All these things helps us to keep Rock A Lady alive.
ChB: Do you have any advice for our Polish readers that maybe want to start organizing similar events but are too shy/scared or simply don’t know where to start ?
RL:If you feel like you want to organize it, go for it! People will always enjoy having fun.
As an organiser you will see and enjoy all those happy faces.
To start the project like that it’s important to be realistic. The support from local people or support from the people around you, friends/ family is a nice start. They keep you going and serve nice advices.
Start your event, your dream organised by words, talk about it, spread the word and then start to live that rockin’ idea!
Thank you very much for your time and see you Rockin’ soon.
More info:
Polish version and photos: